Фондация "Америка за България"

С подкрепата на Фондация „Америка за България”, Българската библиотечно-информационна асоциация реализира проект за набавяне на англоезична литература за регионални и училищни библиотеки в страната. Участниците в проекта са избрани чрез конкурс: 11 регионални библиотеки, 8 библиотеки при езикови и профилирани гимназии и 12 библиотеки при СОУ. Проектът запълва една огромна потребност от нови и разнообразни издания за всички, които изучават и четат литература на английски език.  Книгите, закупени за библиотеките, са: нови справочници, подходящи и търсени учебници, тестове за TOEFL, IELTS и Cambridge, стойностна научно-популярна  и оригинална художествена литература. РБ „Проф. Боян Пенев” Разград получи дарение от 450 тома.

820(73)-3/B 89
Brown, Dan. The Lost Symbol : [A Novel] / Dan Brown. - London : Corgi Books, 2010

93/99/E 33
Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs / Series Editor: Dale M. Brown. - Richmond : Time-Life Books

94/G 77
Great Battles of World War II / Chris Mann. - London : Parragon, 2010

74/G 78
Green, Caroline. The ultimate greetings card book / Caroline Green. - Newton Abbot : David &Charles, 1996     

820(73)-3/G 85
Grisham, John.  Skipping Christmas : [A Novel] / John Grisham. - London : Arrow, 2011

820(73)-3/C 89
Crichton, Michael. Pirate Latitudes : [A Novel] / Michael Crichton. - London : Harper, 2010

06/G 78
Greer, John Michael. Secrets of the lost symbol : the Unauthorized Guide to Secret Societies, Hidden Symbols& Mysticism / John Michael Greer. - Wooddale : Llewellyn Publications, 2009 

7/D 58
Dimbleby, David. A Picture of Britain / David Dimbleby. - London : Tate, 2005

820-3/B 16
Bailey, Paul. Chapman's odyssey / Paul Bailey. - London : Bloomsbury, 2011

820-3/P 28
Parsons, Tony. One for my baby / Tony Parsons. - London : Harper, 2002  

820-3/P 28
Parsons, Tony. Man and Boy / Tony Parsons. - London : Harper Collins Publishers, 1999

820-3/S 68
Smith, Zadie. On beauty : A Novel / Zadie Smith. - London : Penguin Books, 2006

820(73)-3/T 19
Tan, Amy. Saving Fish from Drowning / Amy Tan. - New York : G.P.Putnam's sons, 2005

869(81)-3/C 67
Coelho, Paulo. The Zahir / Paolo Coelho. - London : Harper Collins Publishers, 2006

820-3/C 59
Clarke, Arthur C. et all. The last theorem : [A Novel] / Arthur C. Clarke, Frederik Pohl. - London : Harper Voyager, 2009

820(73)-3/P 78
Poe, Edgar Allan. The Fall of the House of Usher and other stories / Edgar Allan Poe. - London : Marshal Cavendish, 1986

820(73)-3/M 64
Meyer, Stephenie. The short second life of Bree Tanner : an Eclipse novella / Stephenie Meyer. - London : Atom, 2010

860(83)-3/A 38
Allende, Isabel. The Infinite Plan / Isabel Allende ; Transl. Margaret Sayers Peden. - London : Harper Perennial, 2008

820(73)-3/C 94
Cunningham, Michael.  The Hours / Michael Cunningham. - London : Harper Perennial, 1999

820(73)-3/J 22
James, Hanry. Cathedrals and castles / Hanry James. - London : Penguin Books, 2009

820-3/S 86
Stoker, Bram et all. Dracula/Frankenstein : [Novels] / Bram Stoker : [Novels] / Mary Shelley. - England : Galley Press, 1988

820-1/C 85
Courtauld, George. England's best loved poems : the enchantment of England / George Courtauld. - London : Ebury Press, 2007

820-1/B 96
Burns, Robert. The works of Robert Burns / Robert Burns. - London : Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1994

820-1/T 44
The rime of the ancient mariner and other classic stories in verse / Selected and ed. Robin Waterfield. - London : Puffin Books, 1996

820-1/B 64
Blake, William. The works of William Blake / William Blake. - London : Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1994

820-3/M 41
Maugham, W. Somerset. Up at the Villa / W. Somerset Maugham. - London : Vintage, 2004

820-3/L 41
Lawrence, D. H. Women in Love / D. H. Lawrence. - London : Penguin, 1996

820-3/B 87
Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights / Emily Bronte ; Foreword Lucasta Miller. - London : Capuchin Classics, 2010

820-3/A 93
Austen, Jane. Pride and prejudice / Jane Austen. - London : Penguin Books, 2007

530.1/H 40
Hawking, Stephen W. A brief history of time : From the Big Bang to Black Holes / Stephen W. Hawking ; [Introd. Carl Sagan ; Ill. Ron Miller]. - London : Bantam Press, 1988

820-3/P 90
Pratchett, Terry. Diggers : [Children's stories] / Terry Pratchett. - London : Corgi Books, 2004

820-3/R 85
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire : [Children's stories] / J. K. Rowling. - London : Bloomsbury, 2000

941/949/L 96
Lucas, James. Last days of the Reich : the collapse of Nazi Germany, May 1945 / James Lucas. - London : Cassell, 2002

930/B 85
Breverton, Terry. Immortal last words : History's most memorable dying remarks, deathbed statements and final farewells / Terry Breverton. - London :  Bantam Books, 2010

7.036/S 78
Spalding, Frances. British art since 1900 / Frances Spalding. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1986

75/P 35
Payne, Laura. Essential Klimt / Laura Payne ; Introd. Julia Kelly. - Bath : Parragon Book, 2000

616/C 69
Colborn, Theo et all. Our Stolen Future : are we threatening our fertility, intelligence, and survival ? - A scientific detective story / Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, John Peterson Myers. - London : Abacus, 1997

860(861)-3/G 22
Garcia, Marqez Gabriel. News of a Kidnapping : [A Novel] / Gabriel Garcia Marques; Transl. by Spanish by Edith Grossman. - New York : Penguin Books, 1996

820-3/K 93
Kureishi, Hanif. The Buddha of suburbia : [A Novel] / Hanif Kureishi. - London : Faber and Faber, 1990

802.0/H 25
Hardie, Ronald G.Collins gem English grammar : The essential guide to English grammer / Ronald G. Hardie; Edited by Patrick Hanks and Alice Grandison. - Glasgow : Collins Gem, 1999

Д2/M 57
Meredith, Susan. World Religions / Susan Meredith  ; Ill. Linda Penny. - London : Usborne, 1995

Д/D 63
Disney. Disney storybook collection. - New York : Parragon, 2005

Д/S 50
Seuss, Geisel Theodor. Cat in the hat comes back / Dr. Seuss. - London : Collins, 2003

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